Biomimicry: A Roadmap That Is Transforming Life On Earth

An EcoChi Vital Abstract

This article was posted September 10, 2019 by Katie Losey, The Biomimicry Institute.

At the Beijing Olympics, 98% of the medals won were by swimmers wearing swimsuits modeled after sharkskin. The suits were banned. Breakthrough innovation so good that the status quo doesn’t stand a fair chance is what the world needs, and today’s game changers have one thing in common: nature’s lab. These are not some hoped-for miracle technologies. Proof of concept exist, provide bold answers to our greatest problems and show us new ways humanity could thrive. We just need to pay attention and connect the dots. Below, eight inventions from nature’s laboratory showing the future of innovation is transforming the way we live and survive on this planet:

1. LIFE-SAVING SURGICAL SUPERGLUE -Nature’s Solution: Slug Slime

Above left: Gastropod prints from the Biodiversity Heritage Library | Above right: source NPR

Slug mucus inspires researchers to create a new potentially lifesaving, nontoxic, chemical free, super “glue” to mend beating hearts. Problem Solved: Revolutionizing the way surgical wounds are closed. Market Readiness: Lab

2. WIND TURBINES -Nature’s Solution: Humpback Whale

Above Left: WhalePower turbine | Above right: bumpy ridges on a humpback whale fin (photo Ain Raadik); Bottom: the humpback’s fin ridges help them maneuver in tight circles entrapping food like krill; photo by Duke Marine Laboratory

Emulating the bumpy ridges of a humpback whale fin, wind farms use 25% less energy to produce 20% more power. Problem solved: Making more efficient, quieter, and greener turbine aerodynamics. Market Readiness: Commercially available.

3. EFFICIENT, ELEGANT AIRCRAFT -Nature’s Solution: Manta Ray

Above left image by Phil de Glanville | PHLY Images; above right photo: NASA / Carla Thomas

Manta rays gracefully glide through water, giving engineers inspiration for the more efficient and quieter X-48C aircraft, helping them reach environmental goals. Problem Solved: Transport that’s faster, quieter and goes further. Market Readiness: Lab demo/Early commercial.

4. A BIONIC LEAF THAT CREATES HYDROGEN FUEL FROM SUNLIGHT -Nature’s Solution: Leaves + Photosynthesis

LEFT Photograph by Katie Losey, RIGHT image | NISSAN

Artificial leaves are close to 10% efficiency compared to 1% efficiency of natural leaves. Possibilities: forgoing gas stations and generating our own clean, hydrogen fuels straight from sunlight, air and water. Problem solved: Clean our air + end fossil fuel addiction. Market Readiness: Lab/development.

5. DESERT GREENHOUSES -Nature’s Solution: Camel Nostrils & Namibian Fog-Basking Beetles

Beetle photograph above by Solvin Zankl Photography; illustration of the Jordan launch project by The Sahara Forest Project

A beetle’s ability to harvest fresh water and a camel’s nostrils extracting water vapors inspired the Sahara Desert Project, encouraging new ways to feed in places facing desertification. Problem Solved: Reversing desertification. Market Readiness: Commercial.

6. PROSTHETICS & FACTORY ROBOTS -Nature’s Solution: Elephant trunk

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While our limbs have bones and joints, elephant trunks have something better: 40,000 muscles for incredible flexibility, inspiring Festo’s revolutionary bionic handling assistant. Problem Solved: Limited prosthetics & robots; unintuitive human-technology interaction. Market Readiness: Commercial.

7. SELF-COOLING BUILDINGS -Nature’s Solution: Termite mounds

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The Eastgate Centre in Zimbabwe is modeled after the ventilation design principles of termites’ natural electricity-free AC. The building uses 90% less energy to heat and cool than traditional buildings. Problem Solved: Decarbonize, cut costs and reduce dangerous greenhouse gases. Market Readiness: Commercially Available.

8. ARTIFICIAL TREES ON STEROIDS -Nature’s Solution: Trees

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One “direct air capture” machine = 100,000 trees. They mine the sky of carbon dioxide to lower our C02 levels. Climeworks’ machine in Switzerland repurposes C02 to help grow crops in greenhouses. Problem Solved: Deep carbonization; removing dangerous pollution on a massive scale. Commercial Readiness: Early Commercial.

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