
"What better path to follow than the one set out by nature?"

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          At the Global Wellness Summit at The Breakers, EcoChi was asked to arrange the seating layout for break-out meeting rooms as well as the keynote auditorium stage and evening gala design. For the room in which round-table discussions were going to be held, featuring 20 panelists and a surrounding gallery filled with attendees who were listening and observing, we were handed a standard layout from the producer of the event, Sue DePalma. Because there were several other sessions scheduled at the same time, taking place in various other locations throughout the event, attendees might be coming and going quite often. The standard long movie-theater-style rows of seating, wouldn’t give attendees the freedom to feel as though they could get up, stretch their legs for a minute if needed, or leave early for another event without disturbing someone else’s experience. EcoChi turned to sacred geometry for a solution. What better path to follow than the one set out by nature? Using the seed of life pattern and the Feng Shui bagua geometry, we were able to arrange seating “clusters” in a way that allowed everyone to directly relate to the centrally-located round-table of panelists, while also feeling like a part of a larger group of audience members.

Floor Plan Design: Round-Table Discussion Break-Out Meeting Room

         We designed a seating layout that was divided into “clusters” with two-tiers. Utilizing the mathematics of Sacred Geometry, we grouped guests together. Designing with this scientific pattern of life, people felt part of the whole, not isolated, and were able to come and go more comfortably if needed.

Round-Table Meeting Room,   photo credit: (c) CAPEHART

         The Executive Director of the Global Wellness Summit, Nancy Davis, was excited to be the first conference to implement Purposeful Design, with a focus on wellness, for over 600 delegates in attendance. After the summit, she had this to say about the experience: “[EcoChi’s] unique combination of thought, design, hard science, and expertise was not only visually evident, but viscerally felt...[They] gave chills to over 600 global business and thought leaders…and it’s something we will remember for a very long time.”

"Celebration of the Elements" Gala Design by EcoChi for the Global Wellness Summit 2017,   photo credit: The Breakers

         The future is measured in our experiences. When we attend an event, we are experiencing something new on a psychological level, physical level, and spiritual level. If you are results-driven, make purposeful decisions when planning and designing your next event, conference or meeting for success beyond your expectations.

    -Debra Duneier, EcoChi President

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